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Born out of a joy for mountain biking and the additive mobile app – Instagram, ridemoremtb or #ridemoremtb was conceived back in April 2013. At a post-crash recovery ride at Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England, a photograph taken and shared on the social networking service, tagged with #ridemoremtb gained immediate popularity and was promoted the world over. 

Now with global recognition #ridemoremtb has quickly become an international community of mountain bike enthusiasts who contribute to an ever-expanding image bank (and now products) chronologizing and contributing to a globally linked mountain bike collective through social networks and platforms.

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Return Policy

Here at ridemoremtb.com we want everybody to be happy and proud to be part of our global community. If you are not completley satisfied with your purchase, please get in touch and we’ll do our best to rectify the problem.


[email protected]


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